Monday, February 3, 2014

What is Democracy? Theory and Practice (The Global Democratic Society)

What is Democracy? Theory and Practice

by Diana Rogers

I have just launched my book "What is Democracy? Theory and Practice" on Amazon Kindle Store for $11.47

You can also buy my book for 9.25 $ by clicking the PayPal button below


My book focuses on the theory and practice of Democracy since the dissemination of democratic ideas until nowadays.

My book focuses on the theory and practice of Democracy since the beginning of the democratic ideas until nowadays.

My approach emphasizes on Democracy and Human Rights as concepts that enforce each other.

In today’s world politics, UN is the International Organization that gathers the most member states and functions both as a legal agreement between member states (60 nations) and as their public agora, by the existence of the UN General Assembly under the UN Charter.

The General Assembly may serve as the place where the political leaders of the nations express their political views and share them with the international community.

This, in turns, raises awareness on the given political issue and creates incentives of approaching the issue in terms of solutions and effective efforts in the direction of solving the given issue by the international community, operating under the UN Charter.

The UN Charter signed by every member state needs to be respected.

This points out the statesmen responsibility towards ensuring the legislative reform process in their countries in order to enforce human rights and freedoms.

Once the legislative reform enacted, the country turns into a formal democracy.

The UN also serves as a place where diplomacy and customs may be formed regarding the relations among statesmen that encourages them to cooperate and peacefully resolve their issues.

The second part of the book addresses the historical period from the inception and propagation of the democratic ideas to their implementation at the level of the political system.

I point out various theoretical definitions, classifications and distinctions referring to democracy as a concept and a form of government.

I also trace the birth of the Modern Era observing the two main archetypal models of political changes towards democracy from the European continent: France and Great Britain.

My book ends with the reinforcement of the idea of the charismatic leadership and stresses the need of public legitimating for the political leader emerged from the crowds.

The book ends in a symmetrical manner.
It started with emphasizing the role of the political leaders within the framework of The UN General Assembly and ends with the importance of leadership.

If you feel to share your point of you on democracy, I am looking forward to interact and share opinions with you.

Happy readings.

Diana Rogers

* I updated the book cover of What is Democracy? on July 8, 2014.

Here is the new book cover:

What is Democracy? Theory and Practice: Democracy, Human Rights and Mutual Cooperation [Kindle Edition] by Diana Rogers

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