Friday, January 24, 2014

National Revolutions towards Democracy

    National Revolutions towards Democracy 
                       by Diana Rogers


           Read and purchase my book on The Amazon Kindle Store here for 11.47$ 

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          My book covers the description of the general state of affairs in totalitarian regimes, the outburst of the democratic revolution and the transition phase from totalitarian regimes towards democracy.

          The reader should bear in mind that this is an opinion article of the author and should consider it a personal perspective on national revolutions and on the process of identifying tangible manners (means) of achieving democratic regime change within communities of people living in totalitarian regimes.

          Starting from the description of the totalitarian regimes (Chapter 3), the birth of the democratic revolutions (Chapter 4) answers this simple question:

          What motivates people so deeply as to overcome their fear and start a revolution?

          National revolutions towards democracy are like the eruption of a volcano.

          They are collective outbursts of freeing the nation by the oppression of the totalitarian regimes and achieving freedom.

          It is “starvation” for freedom.

          The chapter dedicated to the phases of the regime change towards democracy (Chapter 5) emphasizes the pathways towards democracy as a stadium process that includes stages (phases) of development.

          Therefore, democracy is a gradual process that has three phases: (a) The birth and manifestation of the revolution; (b) The transition from totalitarianism towards democracy; and (c) The establishment of the democratic regime. 

          The reader must bear in mind that the transition phase towards democracy may be prolonged few years after the establishment of the democratic regime (c). 

          The transitional phase corresponds to a nation “under construction” state of being.

          From my perspective, the transition is the period that ensures the success or lack of success for the revolution.

          The success of the revolution means the actual regime change to democracy.

          So, the civic and political events during the transition answer this key question:

          Did the revolution brought about democracy?

          My approach in Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 answers the question weather or not the national revolution succeeds in bringing about democratic regime change. 

          It is my conviction that the transitional phase from dictatorship towards democracy holds the key answer to the central question of my key question on Chapter 6 and Chapter 7. 

          My endeavor is both descriptive and prescriptive for the conditions needed to reach the democratic creed and achieve the establishment of the democratic regime.

          The reason why I focus on the transitional phase is that the sociopolitical events undergoing during this phase of the process gives us the measure of success in achieving the democratic goal or not.

          In this phase, one can tell if the revolution succeeded to bring about democratic regime change or if it failed in civil wars or military regimes.

          My political solution for ensuring that the nation is heading towards democracy (and not civil war or military regime) is revealed in Chapter 6 and Chapter 7.

          The political leaders and the sociopolitical movements that emerged from the national revolution should find the political wisdom to set aside political disputes and to understand the need of a peaceful transition towards democracy in order to ensure that the national revolution achieves its goal of bringing democratic regime change. 

          It means that the national interest of bringing democracy and peace to the nation is above all political disputes.

          These exceptional times call for a charismatic leader acknowledged by all the sociopolitical movements emerged from the national revolution that should have the political visionary to bring about civic reconciliation, on the grounds of national consensus and general political agreement that the nation’s pathway towards democracy needs to be a stable and peaceful process.

If a nation reaches democracy or not as a form of government and as a commitment to freedom among its citizens participating in the civic society and involving in the political process, are questions that are specific to the context of the particular nation on its pathway towards democracy. 

There is no panacea; there is no universal recipe for democracy.

My concluding chapter on promoting democracy in nowadays globalize society ensures the logical connection between this book and my other books of the series “The Global Democratic Society”.

             by Diana Rogers

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction
2. Synopsis
3. Totalitarian regimes as state coercion by force and violence
4. The birth of the democratic revolution
5. The phases of the regime change to democracy
6. The need of civic reconciliation after the democratic revolution
7. The need of charismatic leadership for the peaceful transition towards democracy
8. Conclusions

My Further Theoretical Reflections

Each Nation is heading towards Democracy in its own Pace
Promoting Democracy and the Starvation for Freedom
              Promoting Democracy, the Domino Effect and Social Contagion

       Read and purchase my book on The Amazon Kindle Store here

* I updated the book cover of National Revolutions towards Democracy on July 8, 2014.

Here is the new book cover:

National Revolutions towards Democracy (Kindle Edition) by Diana Rogers


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