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My Further Theoretical Considerations
I am presenting here, for the
first time, my further theoretical considerations based on my book “The Global Democratic
Society Revised”.
For writers and readers who are
passionate about historical political leaders who made history by their
visionary thinking, their attitudes and their actions towards challenging the
mainstream opinions in the historical époque they lived in and their constant
struggle towards achieving their dreams (goals, visions), the chapter referring to
"Illustrations of Paradigm Shifts or Turning Points in the History of
Mankind" is an excellent starting point.
The chapter regarding the
illustrations of paradigm shifts contains turning points no matter of the
connotations (positive or negative) that they were attributed in the given
historical context or in our contemporary context.
The writer or reader is free to
decide on his own the value of the given historical turning points.
In time, events that represent
turning points in the history of mankind and are valued in a positive manner,
being acknowledged as achievements, become symbols and turn into myths.
They become part of the conscious
and subconscious mind of the people (the collective imaginative) as
representing the given achievements.
The American Founding Fathers are
the symbols of the birth of the United
States of America as an independent nation.
The French Revolution (1789) is known under the slogan
The European Revolutions (1848) set the stage for: democracy, nationalism, liberalism and socialism.
The French Revolution (1789) is known under the slogan
“Liberty, equality and fraternity”.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Winston Churchill are the political leaders who envisioned the formation of the UN. (1949)
They are icons and symbols for The UN and for The Chart of Nations.
George Marshall is the Founder of NATO (1949) and for The Marshall Plan (1947). These were essential elements of his political visionary and his doctrine.
George Marshall is an icon or a symbol for NATO and for the doctrine bearing his name.
Robert Shuman, by The Shuman Plan he conceived, is a symbol for The European Union. (1950)
Nelson Mandela is a symbol for
world peace and human rights.
The Fall of the Berlin Wall is a symbol for the end of The Cold War, the collapse of communism and the triumph of democracy.
The Arab Spring is the proof that people in The Arab World have the will and political desire to lead their nations on their pathways to democracy.
They are icons and symbols for The UN and for The Chart of Nations.
George Marshall is the Founder of NATO (1949) and for The Marshall Plan (1947). These were essential elements of his political visionary and his doctrine.
George Marshall is an icon or a symbol for NATO and for the doctrine bearing his name.
Robert Shuman, by The Shuman Plan he conceived, is a symbol for The European Union. (1950)
Martin Luther King Jr. is a symbol
for the Civic Movement Rights by non-violent disobedience acts.
The Fall of the Berlin Wall is a symbol for the end of The Cold War, the collapse of communism and the triumph of democracy.
The Arab Spring is the proof that people in The Arab World have the will and political desire to lead their nations on their pathways to democracy.
And the examples might go on
depending on the focus of the achievements.
Happy readings and a wonderful
Diana Rogers